a mile high ride (with COtu) in the Ozone
Ozone (a collab with COtu) is a sunny, R&B infused, mile-high, pop song best consumed before the dark clouds roll in…

expression pedal shootout: headrush vs. mission
As multi-effect modeling pedals become more realistic, the interfaces through which we control them become more important…

Farewell (for now) Brian Johnston {1969 – 2021}
“Human solidarity is to be achieved not by inquiry but by imagination, the imaginative ability to see strange people as fellow sufferers…” Farewell (for now) my dear friend.

Emilio GS: More + The Time We Were
More, is an alternative pop collaboration with talented composer and instrumentalist Emilio GS from Madrid, Spain

jh0st talks: sun*load darkstars EP
It wasn’t until 30 years had passed that we would have the chance to sit down and create some tunes. The result is a powerful concoction of sounds that blend the goth and post-rock…

sun*load: Thin White Horses
At that moment, I glimpsed the distinct features of David Bowie’s face beneath the wide-brimmed fedora…

jh0st talks: Luscious-235: End.Game.
I finally sat down with Luscious-235 for a rare interview where they revealed 11 secret and urgent points. That the lost decade of…
Kid of Earth: I Found Music
Unlike the self-creation that the modern world expects of us, the music we love isn’t forced, but rather found…
jh0st talks: Gryflet – Beyond the Unknown
Gryflet is a world-within-a-world: a vast, epic sound that Nuno, myself, and other collaborators could occupy, explore, and…
studio one 4.5 professional review
To use one last architectural trope, ‘god is in the details,’ after using S1 for a couple months now, I realize how much effort PreSonus put into…
Sweet Blessing
Sweet Blessing is the opening track off the D’ville EP .Memories flicker between yearning, sorrow, and hope at the moment you realize your…